Take a deep breath, be ready and take a small step into my world, u will be amazed. *winks* Im sure. (:

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

You're amazing just the way you are.

Step 2 (:

OKAY!!!!! i have to do this real FAST..im serious. my sis is sitting next to me and staring at me...SHE WANTS THE COM NOW...!!!!  she HAVE her hands on my neck now....im goin to DIE any minute....soo......keep me in ur mind.........PEACE XX. (:

NAH...but im still bigger den HER....ehem..not dat big...u noe....THAT big...ahaa.....only clever ones noe wad i mean *winks*...soo I STILL GET TO USE THE COM yay me (:

i have no idea why im soo not in the mood for studies...
uhuh...i noe u DONT to (: obviously...who have that kind of mood to study when u have a killin sis in the same rum wif u?? NAH...juz kiddin (:
 now..bak to the story.......
i only read 2 babs of geografi and 4 chaps of science. XD i spent 3 hrs reading a day ONLY...== .
.n i have not done my zuo wen yet...YIKESSSS...i have no FEELLLL..i mean inspiration...hahahs. ya..laugh...my eng is BADDDD. XD  to write dat 2 pieces of  making - me- mad  zuo wen. ==

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...need to go A>S>A>P !!!! she's having a knife now.....no kidding...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH XD

to be continued.................
please remember to view my blog everyday...or not.....hehehe.....(:

Sunday, September 5, 2010

说一声加油 一切更美好 所有的悲伤 请往边靠 曾经流过的泪 湿了伤口就让 阳光晒干而褪
这一种加油 人人都需要 手牵手我们一起赛跑

Step 1 (:

Lalalaa earthlings out there (: Im back !! Yipeeee.
Something attacked my ex-blog......so i made a new one..
aha. a BRAND NEW one (: *applause* nah..im not dat expert yet....my younger sis helped me out with it...yeah...give her some applause (: she would surely be HAPPY with dat ;D